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Tech Pack FAQ

Image Source: Denim Work

You've probably heard by now just how important a tech pack is, but have you ever wondered what it is and why it is so important? No need to read a long, drawn out article -- we've made it easy for you with our simplified, easy-to-follow tech pack FAQ.

What does "tech pack" stand for?

"Tech pack" stands for "technical package."

What is a tech pack?

A tech pack is defined as a series of informational documents created by a technical designer or a fashion designer that details all of the components needed to construct and produce a product.

What does a tech pack include?

A tech pack will typically include the following:

  • Specs or specifications: precise measurements on each section of the garment

  • Technical sketches of the garment, which include front, back and side sketches (if design details are specifically placed on either side of the garment), pointing out all the details of the design of each garment. Some examples of design details are stitching (for example: type of stitching, # of rows of stitching, stitching placement) and trim detail (for example: button type, # of buttons, button placement).

  • Construction details: Construction details are indicated with an arrow or line directly on the technical sketch to point out pertinent construction details that are placed on different parts of the garment. Construction details can include how seams are joined together, hem finishing, specialty stitching, like topstitching, label placement and more.

  • Artwork for prints, patterns and embroideries

  • Fabrics, trims, materials: Actual samples of each, as well as important information about each item, including supplier/vendor information and placement on the garment

  • Colorways and color usage, as well as color listings, most often represented by Pantone colors

  • Labels, hangtags: Type, details, placement

  • Packaging: Instruction on how each garment should be packaged and the type of packaging that should be used if the factory is providing packaging services

  • Any other item details that make up the product.

Does a tech pack need to be created for every garment in the collection?

Yes! A tech pack needs to be created for every style in the collection. If the same style is being duplicated in, for example, two different colorways, then a tech pack needs to be created once for the style with the different colorways listed separately on the same tech pack. This way the factory will know that the same style has to be created in the two colorways that are listed.

What is the purpose of a tech pack?

Tech packs serve as the main communication tool between the fashion designer and the factory, so that the factory can correctly reproduce the garment accordingly to the specs listed in the tech pack. It must include very detailed information on each of the components that make up each garment style so that there are minimal errors made on the part of the manufacturer who is making the product line. If a tech pack is executed properly, it should leave no room for interpretation of the correct way to make a product and will serve as a pseudo "manual" for executing each product as it is intended.

Why is a tech pack necessary?

With a tech pack in place, you will have a higher chance that your garments will be made correctly because the factory will be able to use your tech pack as a guide in making your products and can use it a reference during every stage of the manufacturing process.

How are tech packs created?

The software that is most used to create a tech pack is Adobe Illustrator. Once the tech pack is complete, it is transferred into a PDF document and can be emailed to the factory for easy viewing. It can also be printed out and sent to the factory directly.

How do I get a tech pack made?

Here at Launch Your Collection, we have an in-house technical designer that is skilled at creating tech packs. She will work closely with you to execute your vision for each of the pieces in your line. She has direct experience working for some of the biggest names in fashion from Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Oscar de la Renta and Escada. To find out more information or to purchase a tech pack service, please go to the PRODUCTS AND SERVICES tab on our website and click on "Tech Pack" under "Individual Products." To find out more about our technical designer, hover over the "About" tab and click on the dropdown tab, "Meet Our Team" where you will see Emileny's profile.

Image Source: Denim Works

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